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Canada Census:
1851 York Township Pickering Township, Ontario County, Ontario Canterbury, Carleton County, New Brunswick
1861 Town of York Oro Township, Simcoe County, Ontario
1871 Oro Township, Simcoe County, Ontario Medonte Township, Simcoe County, Ontario Scott Township, Pickering Township, Ontario County, Ontario
1881 Oro Township, Simcoe County, Ontario Medonte Township, Simcoe County, Ontario St. Vincent Township, Grey County, Ontario
1891 Oro Township, Simcoe County, Ontario Medonte Township, Simcoe County, Ontario St. Vincent Township, Grey County, Ontario
The Archieves, Camden, South CarolinaArchieves of Ontario, 395 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N3
Barrie Public Library, Barrie, Ontario
Burlington Public Library, Burlington, Washington.
Cumbria Public Library, Carlisle, Cumbria, England
Caroliniana Collection, McKissick Library, University of South Carolina
Customs Office, Dublin, Ireland
Daughters of the American Revolution Library, Washington, D.C.
Donegal Historical Society, Ballyshannon, Co.Donegal, Ireland.
Drumhome Parish, Church of Ireland, Ballintra, Co.Donegal, Ireland.
Dunnville Public Library, Dunnville, Ontario.
Hamilton Public Library, Hamilton, Ontario. Huron Public Library, Seaforth, Ontario.
Kate Love Simpson Library, McConnelsville, Ohio.
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Magee College, University of Ulster, Londonderry, Northern Ireland
Monaghan Ancestral Research Group, 6 Tully, Monaghan, Co.Monaghan, Ireland
Mount Vernon Public Library, Mount Vernon, Washington.
National Archives, Washington, D.C.
National Archives of Canada, 77 Grenville St., Toronto, Ontario K1A 0N3
National Library, Dublin, Ireland
Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio
Ontario Genealogical Society, 40 Orchard View Blvd, Toronto, Ontario, M4R 1B9, and: Hamilton Branch, Hamilton, Ontario; Huron County Branch, Goderich, Ontario; Ottawa Branch, Ottawa, Ontario; Quinte Branch, Bloomfield, Ontario; Simcoe County Branch; Whitby-Oshawa Branch, Whitby, Ontario
Orilliana Collection, Orillia Public Library, Orillia, Ontario.
Public Record Office, Dublin, IrelandRegistry of Deeds, Dublin, Ireland
Registrar General of Ontario, Macdonald Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1Y5 (Birth, Marriage, Death Certificates).
National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Seattle Public Library, Seattle, Washington.St.
Catharines Public Library, St. Catharines, Ontario.
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Simcoe County Branch, OGS - Cemetery Transcriptions.
Simcoe County Clerk's Office, Moonstone, Ontario, Assessment Roll.
Simcoe County Land Registry Office- Title Certificates.
Ulster Historical Foundation, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
University of Washington Library, Seattle, Washington.Strong,
Hanna Florence (Hattin), personal notes.Strong, Michael, his diary from 1861 through 1871.
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints: Genealogical Library, Salt Lake City, Utah
Genealogical Library, Hamilton, Ontario;
Family History Center, Mount Vernon, Washington.
Betty Ashley, Tollhouse, California
Rose Alexander, Ontario
Polly Strong Baumer, Alexandria, Virginia and Northampton, Massachusetts
Christine Strong Bernier, Seattle, Washington
William E. Britnell, Mississauga, Ontario
Leah Simpson Carpenter, Ontario
Patrick J. Conoghan, Killybegs, Co.Donegal, Ireland
Dolores Culling, Falkland, British Columbia
Dr.Connell J. Cunningham, Spiddal, Co.Galway, Ireland
Diane Delbridge, Yukon, Oklahoma
Corrie Dennis, Quebec
Margaret E. Dennis, QuebecCalvin Devitt, Lake Orion, Michigan
Robert Edgar (deceased 1987), Ballydermot, Ballintra, Co.Donegal, Ireland
Kathleen Emerson, Hon.Secretary, Donegal Historical Society, Ballyshannon, Co.Donegal, Ireland
Lawrence Fisher, Carlisle, Cumbria, England
Grace Strong Frederickson(deceased 1996), Portland, Oregon
Marilyn B. Jackson, Saint Catharines, Ontario
Mildred Hopkinson, Ontario
Patty L. Horton, White Plains, New York
Brenda B. Kellow, Richardson, Texas
Noreen Lind, Tara, Ontario
Edith Means Locke, Florida
Marjorie MacDonald,Beverly Magel, Federal Way, Washington
Ordella Park McIntyre, Idaho
Dorothy Milne, Toronto, Ontario
William C. Norman,Jr., Crossett, Arkansas
Betty Padfield, Alberta
Allegra S. Stout (deceased 1989), Spokane, Washington
Adrian A. Strong (deceased 1985), Burlington, Washington
Alec Strong, Byron Bay, Queensland, Australia
Arthur J. Strong (deceased 1956), Dublin, Ireland
Bechel D. Strong (deceased 1988), Indianapolis, Indiana
LCOL Clarence J. Strong (deceased 1987), Vancouver, British Columbia
Clifton Malcolm Strong, Ontario
Dale G. Strong, Cassatt, South Carolina
Dan Jerrol Strong, Williamsburg, Ontario
David B.Strong, Burlington, Washington
Earle Strong (deceased 1987), Toronto, Ontario
Florence E. Strong (deceased 1987), Burlington, Washington
Gary Alden Strong, Ontario
Grace and Hugh Strong, Drake, Saskatchewan
Harry Strong, Holtville, California
James Strong (deceased 1964), Vancouver, British Columbia
James Edward Strong, Goderich, Ontario
LTCOL Jarvis A. Strong, former President, Strong Family Association of America, McLean, Virginia
Jeannette Strong, Lethbridge, Alberta
J.Ivor Strong, Calgary, Alberta
J.R. Strong, El Cajon, California
J. Robert Strong, Ontario
Mabel Strong, Ontario
Martha Strong, Michigan
Milton A.R. Strong, Hamilton, Ontario
Oswald J. Strong (deceased 1987), Chase, British Columbia
Robert Strong, Ontario
Robert A. Strong, Boxborough, Massachusetts
Ron Strong, Ontario
Rupert Strong (deceased 1990), Seabeck, Washington
Russell Strong, Ontario
Wendy Strong, Dunnville, Ontario
Willard J. Strong, California
William J. Strong,William George Strong (deceased 1990), Ottawa, Ontario
Joan Stronge, Kilbride, Ireland
William T. Stronge, Drumbarron, Co.Fermanagh, Northern Ireland
Gloria J. Verge, Walla Walla, Washington
Elaine Watt, Ontario
Joan Ward, Ireland
Grace Williams, Strongsville, Ohio
Lori and Stephen Wood, Whitby, Ontario
John F. Wright,Thelma Wright, Blackstock, Ontario
Brenda Young, Saint Catharines, Ontario.