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Table of Contents

Extraneus, Volume III, Book X
The Alloway Strange

Illustrations xv

Preface to the Second Edition xvii

Preface to the Third Edition xxi

Preface to The Alloway Strange xxiii

Alloway Strange of Virginia 1


Strange Devolutions with Alderson, Davies, Hammond, Reynolds, Tillery, Wales, and Woollard

Strange Affinities with Hammond, Harvey, Hinds, Rose, Stott, and Walters


Mitchell of New Kent and Goochland 15


Strange Devolutions to Alloway, Alloway Strange, Basket, Bernard, Bryce, Perkins, Rain, Simes, Strange, and Tomson

Strange Affinities with Barnett, Gregory, Moss, and Payne


Alloway Strange of Fluvanna 23


Strange Devolutions to Aldridge, Amidon, Anderson, Atkinson, Bell, Bird, Bodman, Bowles, Bratcher, Cammock, Cartwright, Casper, Chambers, Cleaves, Cleveland, Clower, Cochrane, Crewdson, Curtis, Diesing, Doss, Earles, Edwards, Ellis, Faglie, Flanagan, Fox, Friedl, Fuqua, Gammill, Gary, Gathright, Gibbes, Groves, Hammond, Hambre, Harris, Harrison, Hearn, Hedrick, Heilman, Hoff, Holland, Hughes, Ivers, Johns, Johnston, Jones, Keen, Keeton, King, Knibb, Kuykendall, Layman, Magruder, Mallot, McDaniel, McDonald, McFarlane, McGuire, McLendon, McMahon, McMichael, Mitchell, Moore, Myers, Newman, Novac, Novles, O’Kelley-Farrell, Page, Pappas, Payne, Peers, Pickels, Revercomb, Richards, Ritzmann, Roper, Russell, Russell, Sadler, Salvador, Sanders, Scarborough, Seay, Shepard, Smith, Smithwick, Sparks, Speller, Spencer, Stokes, Stoklas, Strange, Taylor, Teachworth, Thacker, Timberlake, Tussing, Vaughn, Walker, Watkins, White, Wiley, Williams, Wills, Wilson, and Woody 23

Strange Affinities with Alvis, Baker, Barnett, Barron, Benton, Blanchard, Blank, Blankenship, Bowles, Boyd, Braud, Campbell, Cash, Chenault, Chenoweth, Coffey, Coon, Craven, Crute, Curren, Dawson, Duggins, Duley, Duncan, Edwards, Frink, Haefield, Hall, Harriss, Johnson, Jones, Keeton, Kelley, Kelly, Magruder, Marks, McEwen, Metoler, Miles, Miller, Mitchell, Moran, Morse, Napier, Ochs, Penney, Pettit, Royster, Runkle, Russell, Rutherford, Salisbury, Sckinto, Scott, Seay, Seymour, Simpson, Smith, Strange, Sutherland, Thomas, Thompson, Watkins, Webb, White, William, and Wiltshire

Virginia - Kentucky – Arkansas

Alloway Strange of the Upper Yadkin 67


Strange Devolutions to Allison, Bennett, Berry, Beverly, Blanton, Bonhill, Bowers, Cathcart, Coffey, Cornett, Crail, Cramer, Crumpton, Curtis, Deckert, Edwards, Fletcher, Furgeson, Goree, Green, Gribble, Harris, Heaton, Henry, Hutchins, Israel, Johnson, Killian, Lister, Mahaffey, Martin, Miller, Mills, Murray, Oard, Pauley, Pendergrass, Pendley, Posey, Raby, Rhodes, Roberts, Robinson, Smith, Splawn, Strange, Starnes, Swartz, Thomas, Ware, Whitkar, Wood, and Zebidee

Strange Affinities with Baker, Barnett, Bates, Blake, Boler, Brown, Bryson, Byrd, Clayton, Coffey, Corpening, Dutton, Everman, Franklin, Goodwin, Hearn, Hooper, Isom, Johnson, Knauss, Lance, Lefevre, Loving, Mayfield, McFall, Mitchel, Moore, Parish, Ridge, Rumple, Smith, Stiles, Thames, Walker, West, Whisnand, and Wilson

Virginia - North Carolina - Arkansas - New Mexico

Alloway of Boone 95


Creation of Alloway : Alloway Devolutions to Bailey, Chapin, and McNeely

Strange Affinities with Barnett, Bradford, Dillman, Early, Field, Herring, Rucker, and Vannerson

Virginia - Kentucky

Alloway Strange of Elk River 107


Strange Devolutions to Adams, Anderson, Averitte, Backensto, Barnes, Baskett, Bernard, Bishop, Burkett, Burns, Christopher, Cole, Cooper, Copeland, David, Elum, Flanagan, Fontaine, Furgeson, Goodman, Graham, Graham, Hall, Harrison, Harvey, Hicks, Holland, Johnson, Jones, Laughmiller, Laws, Lindsey, McCuan, McDonald, Menefee, Minor, Payne, Peek, Ridgeway, Sellers, Sherbet, Smith, Springer, Starkey, Statom, Steele, Stinnett, Strange, Toole, Toon, Trewitt, Tuten, Williams, Witt, and Wright

Strange Affinities with Beasley, Benton, Blakely, Boyd, Burrus, Carter, Casey, Cooper, Crewdson, Dupree, Elliott, Fine, Gray, Gullett, Harvey, Henderson, Hendricks, Hinson, Jaquez, Johnson, King, LeGree, Masouk, Mitchell, Payne, Pettie, Proffit, Rotenberry, Saunders, Sharp, Spencer, Spraggins, Stevens, Sutton, Underwood, Varnell, Watson, and Zahnd

Virginia - Alabama - Arkansas - Texas

Alloway Strange of Crocus Creek 133


Strange Devolutions to Anderson, Arndt, Brady, Burton, Cheatham, Cole, Criswell, Depp, Elliott, Erchinger, Faulkner, Freemyer, French, Garnett, Goodson, Hoffman, Isham, Jones, Jurik, Linvill, Lloyd, Mathes, Morrison, Paulin, Perry, Potts, Roberts, Rudisell, Shirley, Sorrells, Taylor, Thomas, Tiller, vonGardenheir, Walkup, Wallace, Waterman, White, and Zellman

Strange Affinities with Adey, Aubert, Baecher, Bariga, Bechtold, Biggs, Brown, Burns, Byrd, Coffey, Cook, Covington, Davis, Dilworth, Drebo, Eitzert, England, Eva, Gillet, Goode, Gorman, Grant, Grider, Jarrell, Kelly, Kropf, Lemmons, Lisenby, Lu, Mahr, Mathes, McCabe, McMillan, Meadows, Medley, Miller, Morrison, Nicholson, Parrish, Patterson, Pernsteiner, Pound, Rice, Rowe, Shapard, Shive, Simpson, Tandy, Tinsley, Tutt, Walkup, Watts, Weihe, Weike, Williams, and Zech

North Carolina - Kentucky - Missouri - Kansas

Alloway of Jennings and Jasper 171


Creation of Alloway Alloway Strange, circa 1803

Alloway Alliance with Herring

Alloway Devolutions to Adams, Barr, Blue, Bush, Butin, Clark, Cooper, Dillon, Dooley, Epperson, Foley, Fouts, Gaylor, Hayden, Herring, Holden, Kosten, Kuehn, Lewellen, Lilly, Lipe, Marchand, Martain, Martin, Mathers, McClure, McInturf, Mead, Moudy, Parker, Passereni, Peat, Phillips, Price, Romine, Smith, Spurling, Stair, Thorn, and Toler

Alloway Affinations with Arnspiger, Baker, Black, Braugh, Brenner, Burns, Chambers, Clark, Curtis, Dinsmore, Dunn, Ehrman, Herring, Johns, Kessick, Kirby, Klaus, Lattin, Lewellen, Norris, Osborne, Pool, Reed, Richards, Rutherford, Ruttgen, Shoemaker, Spencer, Sterling, Sullivan, Tanner, Walrod, Warrick, Waters, White, Woodard, Woody, and Young

Virginia - Kentucky - Indiana - Kansas - Iowa

Alloway Strange of Rock Rest 195


Strange Devolutions to Craig, Ford, Hickman, Huckstep, Lathem, Masey, Perkins, Phipps, Sanders, Seay, Strange, and Thomas

Strange Affinities with Ankers, Beattie, Crosby, Ellis, Gilkey, Gordon, Griffin, Herndon, Holland, Key, Kiser, Landrum, McNamara, Perkins, Petit, Reed, Seay, Snead, Springett, Thomas, and Via

Virginia - Missouri - California

Alloway Strange of Dog Point 205


Strange Devolutions to Brown, Carrington, Catlette, Chewning, Collins, Conant, Gordon, Hoggart, Holderton, King, Miller, Owens, Patterson, Rainey, Ringer, Rintamaki, Sloan, Southal, Stockton, Tutwiler, Walden, Watkins, and Wise

Strange Affinities with Brown, Carrington, Dollinger, Edwards, Fitzhugh, Gaines, Gay, Jeffrey, Kelly, Magruder, Mayo, Rainey, Shackleford, and Whitney


Distaves of the Alloway Strange 223


Strange Devolutions to Bond, Burk, Childress, Collins, Davis, Delozier, Duggins, Elliott, Elwell, Gilbert, Greathouse, Harden, Harris, Herd, Hiser, Holman, Howard, Landrith, Lea, Lee, Muir, Radford, Rorer, Silveria, Spence, Tannehill, Teleford, Toms, Tuhey, Turner, and Walters

Strange Affinities with Conklin, Connelly, Cutbirth, Davis, Duggins, Hampton, Harden, Herd, Holeman, Hunter, Jennings, Jones, Manfradonia, Norton, Nuckallo, Perré, Powell, Rogers, Ruiz, South, and Tannehill

Kentucky - Missouri - Texas

Alloway Strange of Glen's Fork 237


Strange Devolutions to Birdwell, Blair, Bowden, Bush, Christian, Collins, Dye, Hildabrand, Hummell, Johnson, Lair, Massey, Milligan, Nicholson, Reynolds, Riley, Roach, Rowe, Shier, Stevens, Strother, Strutz, Talmadge, Turner, Walter, Walthall, and Williamson

Strange Affinities with Ashcraft, Ballard, Barrington, Bracken, Bryan, Bullock, Bumgarner, Butts, Chandler, Cooper, Cravens, Crigger, Frost, Fulford, Goff, Grant, Green, Hanks, Harvey, James, Kennedy, Kinnamon, Lawrence, Littlejohn, McCrary, Morrison, Nyquist, Scott, Simpson, Smith, Taylor, Terrell, Thorsen, Trevvett, and White

Kentucky - Oklahoma - Texas

Descendants of Levi A. Strange 251


Strange Devolutions to Allen, Blair, Conder, Cowen, Fiene, Fuller, Greenwood, Hinshaw, Jennings, Johnson, Keele, Kumar, Mee, Monninger, Nelson, Nicholson, Perry, Phillips, Rice, Roush, Royce, Scribner, Singer, Slankard, Vecchio, Walker, Ward, Webb, Wurschmidt, and Zimmerling

Strange Affinities with Anderson, Baker, Bateson, Becker, Bell, Blair, Bowman, Cheatham, Coates, Cole, Cornett, Curran, Eberle, Fickel, Gering, Gillock, Guilfoyle, Guthrie, Harris, Hines, Hundley, Kaiser, Keltner, Kremske, Martin, McCall, Nash, Robinson, Smedley, Stanley, Teter, Toomey, Waldman, Willis, and Yelkin

North Carolina - Kentucky - Missouri - Kansas

Appendix A, Chapter Title Abbreviations 269

Appendix B, Numbering & Abbreviations 271

Appendix C, Glossary 279

Index 283

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