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The Alphabetary Heraldic

Genealogical Glossary


q : quaque : [Lt] each, every.

q day : quaque diem : [Lt] each day, every day.

Q the letter : CC in O’Flaherty’s B.L.N. Q-Celt alphabet.[1]

Q the letter : CC.

q. : que : [Sp] that.

Q.B.F.F.Q.S. : quod bonum, felix, faustumque sit : whatsoever is good depends on felicity and luck.

q.e. : quod est : which is.

q.v. : quod vide : which see.

qādēsh : qadhesh.

qadhesh : qadesh : qādēsh : kadosh : [Hb] male hierodule, a temple prostitute charged with having ritual sex with worshippers; a transvestite priest male, who tricks male celebrants into donating their sexual energy as an ejaculation during frenzied orgasm.[2]  The term was mistranslated as sodomite in the King James Version of the Old Testament.[3]

qedeshah : qĕdēshāh : kadosha : [Hb] female hierodule; a transvestite priest female, who seduces female celebrants into donating their sexual energy during orgasm.[4]  The term was sometimes mistranslated as whore in the King James Version of the Old Testament.[5]

qĕdēshīm : [masculine] the plural of qadhesh or qādēsh.

qĕdēshōth : [feminine] the plural of qĕdēshāh.

qĕtănnīm : neophytes, little ones; new proselytes to Christianity.[6]

: [Ch] one-year mourning.

: ch’i : [Ch] Wi; the ego’s wife; wife.  Cf. sai [SJ]; tsuma [Jp].

qíshuāi : ch’i shai : [Ch] one-year mourning for grandparents and great-grandparents.

qq.v. : quae vide : both of which see; all of which.

qs. : [Fr] which see.[7] : quare clausum fregit.

quadr- : quadru- : four.

quadrimus : of four years, four years old.

quadripartite : having four parts, divided into four parts.

quadrivium : arithmatic, music, geometry, and astronomy; the four arts comprising the upper division of the seven liberal arts taught at medieval universities.  Cf. trivium.

quadru- : quadr- : four.

quadruped : quadrupes : beast, an animal that goes on four legs.

quadrupeds : the word Clement of Alexandria used as a pejorative term for homosexuals.[8]

Quadruple Alliance : the homosexual clique of noteworthies at Eton, formed by Horace Walpole (1717-1797), Thomas Gray (1716-1771), Richard West, and Thomas Ashton.[9]

quæ : the plural of quod.

quæ habuit filios e marito primo : [she] who had children by her first husband.[10]

quæ post mortem parentum remansit in custodia regis Fraunciæ : who after the death of their parents remained in the custody of the king of the French.

quæ spondet infantis loco : she who covenants in place of the infant, i.e. godmother.

quæ vide : qq.v. : which see; the plural form of quod vide.

quaestores parricidii : the duumvirs entrusted to investigate murders.

quainted : styled with the scalloping or dagging of cloth.

Quaker : [1652] a member of the Society of Friends, an especially peaceful sect of Christians that unanimously rejected militarism and slavery.  Cf. Friends.

Quaker Act : [1662] the Restoration act that ensured autonomy for the Society of Friends.  This special consideration for Quakers caused other Nonconformists to demand similar religious autonomy, leading to the Act of Toleration (1689).

Quakerism : [1652] the notions of Quakers.

Quakers : [1652] Society of Friends.  Cf. Friends.

quality : qualitas : property, accidental adjunct; disposition, temper; virtue or vice; accomplishment, qualification; comparative or relative rank.

quam Ricardus accepit in uxorem : whom Richard received as his wife.[11]

quarantine: quarentena : Lent, the term of forty days; the forty-day period during which a ship is ordered to cease commerce, to fight some suspected infection on the ship; the first forty days after the death of a man seized of land, during which the widow may challenge to continue in his capital messuage.

quare : quære : query, question, doubt; wherefore, for what reason, on what account.  Cf. writs quare.

quare clausum fregit : qu. cl. fr. : trespass where­fore he broke the close.

quare contra pacem : wherefore did you disturb the peace, i.e. trespass.

quarrel : a deadly crossbow bolt with a pyramidal head having four sides.

quarry : a stone mine, where rocks and stones are excavated and sized for transport.

quarry : quarrè : [Fr] the airborne or roaming game targeted by a hawk.  Hawks are naturally inclined to hunt quarry by instinct, but it is easier to train an older haggard than a young eyas.  Cf. eyas, haggard, hawks, lure.

quarry : quarriere, quarrel : [Fr] a collective name for the heap of game killed by hawking.

quart- : fourth.

quarter of corn : quaratrium, quarterium; soam of corn.

quartarium : quarterium; a quarter of corn, consisting of 2 combs, or 8 bushels.

quarter : a dry measure of 8 bushels, or 2 combs, used in the quantification of corn.

quarter : [1892-1916 Am] Silver Barber quarter.

quarter : [1916-1930 Am] Silver Standing Liberty quarter.

quarter : [1932-1964 Am] Silver Washington quarter.

quarter : [1965 Am] Proof Clad Washington quarter.

quarter : [1976 Am] Silver Bicentennial quarter.

quarter : to divide a shield into four parts for the purpose of displaying or marshaling together two, three, or four different coats-of-arms.

quarter dollar : [1806] a silver coin equal to 25 cents; 92-13/16 grains of pure silver.

quarter eagle : [1806] a gold coin worth $2.50; 61-7/8 grains of fine gold.

quarterday : one of the four days in the year on which rent or interest must be paid, namely Lady Day, 25 March; Feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, 24 June; Michaelmas, 29 September; Christmas, 25 December.

quartus : the fourth, IV.

quartus pater : FaFaFaFa; great-great-grandfather.  Cf. abavus.

quasi maritus secundus ejus : as her second husband.[12]

quasi-matriarchy : matriline, matrilineal society.

quasi-woman : Cf. berdache.

quatercentenary, quadricentennial : 400 years.

quatercousin : FaBrSo, FaBrSoSo; a cousin within the first four degrees of kindred; a first cousin, or first cousin once removed.

Quaternary period : [1,000-10th millennia bc] the latest division of the Cenozoic era, including the Pleistocene and Holocene epochs, when Hominidae began to appear.  Cf. year 10,000 bc, year 1.8 million bc.

quateroon : [En] someone whose one (1) grandparent belonged to a race heterogeneous to his other 3 grandparents.  Cf. macaroon, octaroon, -on.

-que : and; the Latin enclitic conjunction that is always attached to the end of an added word.  If this conjunction introduces a series of conjoined words, it is customarily attached to the end of the first word.  If the first word in a series happens to be monosyllablic, or if the series appears in poetry, the conjunction might be attached to another word in the series.  Cf. et, S.P.Q.R.

-queet : both … and.

Que. : Quebec.

quean : queen : [Sx] a Renaissance spelling of queen; strumpet, a worthless woman; a pejorative spelling of queen, meaning effeminate homosexual.

queen : [formal address] The Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty; [formal salutation] Madam, Your Majesty; [polite salutation and reference] May it please Your Majesty …; [informal address] The Lord John —— presents his duty to your Majesty.

queen : [Sx] the wife of a king; a woman who acts as sovereign of a kingdom.

queen : quean[13] : an effeminate male homosexual.  Cf. closet queen, dinge queen, drag queen, queer, seafood queen.

Queen Dowager : [1513-1541] Margaret Tudor (1489-1541), widow of James IV (1473-1513), King of Scots.

Queen of Bithynia : a derisive nickname for Julius Caesar.

Queen of Darkness : Hecate.

Queen of Fairies : a ruler of fairies in her own right, with her husband serving as an ancillary ruler.

Queen of Hearts : [1997] the sobriquet, and the popular posthumous name, of H.R.H. Princess Diana of Wales, born Lady Diana Frances Spencer (1961-1997), who was by two lines descended from Elder John Strong of Massachusetts.

Queen of the Gorgons : Medusa.

Queen of the Winds : a divine embodiment of wind (ouros), often signified by the homonymic uraeus, or the royal serpent of Egypt, which coils as a symbol of snake-tailed wind.[14]

Queen Ura : Cf. Ura-ana.

queer : [1985] gay activist, gay person; a gay man or lesbian.  In the 1950s, the word was an acutely perjorative term for a homosexual, emphasizing the odd and strange appearances and behaviors of homophiles.  By 1985, lesbians and gays began to popularize the word as a political codeword signifying a gay activist.  The word may possibly be associated with the Roman Quirites, or the 30 matristic tribes and clans of Rome, especially surnamed by Æneas for their heroism, that were given to tribadism and promiscuity.  The Etruscan families were native and populous at Rome, but their matriarchal habits were certainly queer and shocking to the ascending Latins.  Note that the orthography of queer is similar to queen or quean, and that the concepts of queen versus queer have many ties in common.  Cf. quean, queen, Quirites, tribadism, tribe.

queer : odd, strange, original, peculiar.

quem bestia nutrivit in heremo : whom the beast nurtured as his own.[15]

querele : querela : a complaint to a court.

querent : querens : the plaintiff, complainant, enquirer.

Queres : Keres : the pueblo natives of Laguna and Acoma in the southwest.

querimonia : complaint.

querry : equerry : a groom belonging to a prince; one in charge of the king’s horses.

quest : queste : [Fr] search, the act of seeking; inquiry, examination.

quest- : quir- : quisit- : to ask, seek.

qui decessit sine herede masculo : who died without male heirs.

qui lui donna : [Fr] who gave him, e.g. marié en 1636 à Anne d’Arfeuille qui lui donna [one son].[16]  Cf. ex ea.

qui patres scire possunt : patricians, those who know their fathers.

quincentenary, quincentennial : 500 years.

quincunx : a plantation of five trees in one square; five trees planted at the four corners and middle of a square.  The repetition of the quincunx plan results in regularity in the planting of orchards.

quinquagenarian : 50 years of age and older; old age, over fifty; fiftieth birthday.

quinquagenary : 50 years.

quinquennial : 5 years.

quint- : fifth.

quintin : [We] an upright post with a turning crosspost having a broad board on one end, and a heavy sandbag on the other.  The quintin was used by a single tilter to hit with his lance, aiming to miss the retribution of the sandbag should he slow his horse’s gait.

quintuplet : one of five children produced at one birth.  One mother of quintuplets gave birth in week 33 of her gestation, or 3 weeks earlier than normal.  Cf. multiple births, multiparous, -uplet.

quinze jours : [Fr] 15 days, the French equivalent of an English fortnight.  This measure was probably part of the Celtic solar-lunar calendar system, which divided each month into two segments of 15 days.

quir- : quest- : quisit- : to ask, seek.

Quir. : Quirites.

Quirites : the Romans descended from Sabinian mothers.  When 30 Sabinian women intervened to stop the Roman-Sabinian war, a period of peace and prosperity ensued at Rome, and as an expression of gratitute for this act of peacekeeping, Romulus granted names to the 30 mothers.  The women’s names endured in Rome, and thus the Romans called themselves the Quirites, the collective name for the Sabinian lineage society.[17]  Cf. clans.

quisit- : quest- : quir- : to ask, seek.

quitrent : a small rent reserved.

quittance : quitance : [Fr] acquittance; recompense, return, repayment; discharge from a debt or obligation.

quoad : until, as long as.  Cf. dum quoad, non prius quam, non ante quam.

quod : that, in that; because, wherefore; although.

quod est : q.e. : which is.

Quod non crimen est : This is not a crime.  So said Cicero in reference to male prostitution, when he defended Cnaeus Plancius.[18]  Cf. homosexuality as a social norm.

quod vide : q.v. : which see.

quoins : dressed cornerstones.

quoit : discus.  Cf. Hyacinthus and Apollo.

quorum : a bench of justices; the minimum number of officers need to vote or transact business.

quota : [1618] quotus, quota, quota pars; share, a proportion assigned to each; the number or amount constituting a proportional share.

qy. : query

[1] Graves 1948, edition 1966:  245.

[2] Grahn 1990:  208.

[3] Eglinton 1964:  487.

[4] Grahn 1990:  208.

[5] Eglinton 1964:  487.

[6] Matthew, 18.6.  Mark, 9.42.  Eglinton 1964:  487.

[7] LIMO.

[8] Paedagogus.  Boswell 1980:  155.

[9] Austin Dobson, Horace Walpole, 1890.  Eglinton 1964:  472.

[10] LESS, 96.

[11] Leland:  4.8.104.

[12] Confer LANC, sub John Beaufort, 1404-1444, Duke of Somerset, second husband of Margaret Beaufort née Beauchamp.

[13] G. Legman.  Gavin Arthur.  Eglinton 1964:  487.

[14] Graves 1948, edition 1966:  374.

[15] Leland:  1.3.235.

[16] LIMO.

[17] Diner 1965:  242.

[18] Boswell 1980:  69.


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